Published: Saturday, 01 Apr, 2023

Little known traditions

makeup of the bride is done with paint

Some such traditions of the country and the world, about which very few people know, let's talk about such news.

The makeup of the bride is done with paint

Every society in the world has different customs, but no one would have seen or heard of such strange customs before, let's talk about some such traditions related to marriages which you may have never heard.

This tradition has been going on for about 2000 years, it is the people of the Bosnian name of Kosovo, this tradition is there.


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The population of Kosovo is now very less, but there is a lot of recognition of the tradition of 2000 years ago, which is going on till today.

It is believed that here the new bride is not given any make-up, but she is prepared in a special way, her face is given a different look with paint, which looks very attractive.

According to this tradition, the paint with which the bride is decorated is not a simple paint but the bride is decorated with love, respect, and happiness.


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In this area, only one woman knows how to decorate the bride in this way, who is 60 years old, apart from her, no one else can do this makeup, she is perfect in this art, and she gives a very attractive look to the bride.

Kosovo tradition

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Bosnian Kosovo tradition

Image source via google

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