Ashish Vidyarthi and Rupali Baruah: People still like the acting of Ashish Vidyarthi, who gave tough competition to the hero as a villain in Bollywood. Recently, the actor got married for the second time, whose picture is becoming fiercely viral on social media. Hearing the news of the actor's marriage at this age, people are giving surprised reaction.
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Please tell that Ashish Vidyarthi has secretly married a second time with Assam's Rupali Baruah. Earlier, Ashish was married to actress Rajesh Rajoshi. Whereas today i.e. on May 25, the couple filed a complaint in the court in the presence of close relatives.
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Talking about the wedding, Ashish says, 'At this stage of life, marrying Rupali is an extraordinary feeling. Our court marriage is in the morning and we will have a get-together in the evening. Talking about his love life with Rupali, Ashish says that 'it is a long story, will tell sometime more'.
Talking about Ashish's work, the actor has worked in more than 200 films in his film career. These include superhit films like 'Bichhoo', 'Ziddi', 'Arjun Pandit', 'Vaastav', 'Badal'.