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Ariana Grande Yes And Single Release Controversies Comeback Upcoming Album

Ariana Grande Yes And Single Release Controversies Comeback Upcoming Album

Ariana Grande's Comeback: Unveiling "Yes, And?" and Defying Critics

Ariana Grande's New Single "Yes, And?" Drops after Three-Year Hiatus

Ariana Grande made a comeback with her latest single, "Yes, And?" released on January 12, signaling her return to solo music after a three-year break.

Addressing Personal Struggles in "Yes, And?" Lyrics

The pop song seems to be Grande's response to the scrutiny surrounding her personal life, pushing back against comments about her relationships and body image. Lyrics like "Be your own f--kin’ best friend" reflect her defiance.

Ariana Grande 2024 First New Music - yes, and? Watch Now

Dealing with Public Criticism and Backlash

The second verse touches on Grande's experiences with public criticism, especially regarding her relationships and body. She emphasizes being true to herself and not succumbing to societal expectations.

Teasing "Yes, And?" with Elevator Video

Leading up to the release, Grande teased the single by sharing a video featuring people making fun of her in an elevator. The video hinted at the singer's resilience against criticism and showcased humorous reactions to gossip.

Anticipation for Grande's Upcoming Album

Fans are eagerly awaiting more details about Ariana Grande's potential upcoming album, as "Yes, And?" sets the stage for what might come next in her musical journey.