Bebika Dhurve and Abhishek Malhan, popularly known as Fukra Insaan, found themselves entangled in a heated exchange during a recent episode of Bigg Boss OTT 2. The clash unfolded when Bebika attempted to analyze Abhishek's face, leading to a disagreement that quickly escalated into a verbal confrontation. "Your loyalty lacks consistency... You tend to speak more falsehoods than truths, struggling to handle honesty," Dhurve remarked while face-reading Abhishek.
#FukraInsaan vs #BebikaDhruve ????
— Bigg Boss Guru???? (@_biggbossfc) June 22, 2023
Bebika pokes #Fukra while claiming to "Face Reading" & insults his success journey#Abhishek gets furious & replies back
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