The latest season of Bigg Boss OTT has brought with it a lot of drama, controversies and unexpected twists. Amongst the housemates, Jiya and Palak have managed to grab headlines with their interesting dynamics. At first it seems like Jiya and Palak are having fun and pranks but as time goes by, their fights start to get more real, even discussing their personal lives. Let's delve deep into the story of Jiya and Palak and try to find out the truth behind their relationship.
2 Cute Face Fight' on Bigg Boss OTT - Palak and Jiya: Fake or Real?#PalakPurswani #JiyaShankar #BBOTT2
— Dhundhun (@dhundhun23) June 26, 2023
Initially, Jiah and Palak were seen indulging in playful banter, often resorting to theatrics to provoke arguments. It seemed like their fights were done just for fun, with the intention of adding spice to the show. From taunting each other to heated arguments, they will leave no stone unturned to create drama inside the house.
Their arguments escalated to such an extent that they included personal matters, such as who blocked whom on social media. Jiya's temper would often flare up, while Palak would tell her to keep her mouth shut.
Jiya & Palak main hui cat fight! ????
— JioCinema (@JioCinema) June 23, 2023
Candid or plandid? ????
Watch #BBOTT2 24 hours live feed on #JioCinema for free! #BiggBossOTT2 #PalakPurswani #JiyaShankar
Jia and Palak were seen helping each other. These incidents have created confusion among the audience whether the two are really like this or they are just pretending in front of the camera.
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Jiya and Palak's story on Bigg Boss OTT has been full of ups and downs for the viewers. Their fights, which initially seemed to be aimed at entertainment, turned to more personal matters, leading viewers to question the authenticity of their fights. Ultimately, only time will reveal the truth behind Jiya and Palak's relationship, and whether their actions are motivated by genuine feelings or a strategic game plan.