Samantha Ruth Prabhu's latest romantic drama film 'Shakuntalam' has received very good reviews. Due to this, now the film has received another good news, 'Shakuntalam' has won the award for 'Best Indian Film'. Samantha has now expressed her gratitude by sharing it on her Instagram handle.
Not only at the Cannes Film Festival, 'Shakuntalam' also won acclaim at the New York International Awards. The mesmerizing cinematic experience gave the film recognition at the world level. The actress expressed her gratitude to the jury on her social media handle. On her Instagram stories, Samantha shared a photo of the awards and wrote, "Shakuntalam won an award at the New York International Film Awards, thanks to the jury!"
'Shakuntalam' did not get such a good response in theatres. Currently, this film has been released on OTT. Samantha's look in the film is worth watching.