
chandrayaan-3 live link

The total cost of Chandrayaan-3

India is very close to creating history, Chandrayaan-3 will land on the moon today; all updates till date


If Chandrayaan-3 Landing Update is successful on the lunar surface of Vikram Lander of Chandrayaan-3, then India will become the fourth country in the world to do such a feat.

As per the ISRO official website, they are broadcasting the Live Landing of Chandrayaan-3 mission on August 23, 2023, starting from 17:27 Hrs. IST (5:27 PM).

Chandrayaan-3 live link:-

Click on it Chandrayaan-3 Live Telecast to watch Chandrayaan-3 landing today at 6:40 pm.


The total cost of Chandrayaan-3:-

600 crores. Chandrayaan-3 aims to make a safe and soft-landing on the lunar surface

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