The much-awaited film 'Adipurush,' featuring Prabhas and Kriti Senan, will finally hit the cinemas tomorrow, on June 16. Fans eagerly anticipate this film based on the epic Ramayana. In the midst of this, the film's writer-lyricist, Manoj Muntashir, had a meeting with Maharashtra's Deputy CM, Devendra Fadnavis.
????May the #ADIPURUSH Prabhu Shri Ram bless the much awaited film ‘Adipurush’ based on MaryadaPurshottam Prabhu Shri Ram’s life.
— Devendra Fadnavis (@Dev_Fadnavis) June 14, 2023
Wishing the directors, producers and team #Adipurush a chartbuster success !@manojmuntashir
Regarding this meeting, the Deputy CM also tweeted. In his tweet, he expressed increased morale for the 'Adipurush' team. Devendra Fadnavis extended his best wishes for the film's blockbuster success. While tweeting, he wrote, "May Lord Shri Ram's grace continue to bless this film based on the life of the supreme Lord Shri Ram. Congratulations to the film's directors, producers, and the team for a chartbuster success..." Along with this, Devendra Fadnavis also shared a photo where he can be seen watching the trailer of 'Adipurush' on a computer.