The 2023 International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) Awards held in Abu Dhabi witnessed a dazzling display of glamour and style. Among the stars who graced the event, Jacqueline Fernandez stood out with her ethereal presence and captivating new look. As she made her way down the green carpet, adorned in an exquisite white dupatta, Jacqueline's fashion choice left fans awestruck.
Image source: Instagram
Jacqueline Fernandez's arrival on the IIFA Green Carpet was nothing short of spectacular. Draped in a flowing white dupatta, she exuded an aura of elegance and charm reminiscent of a radiant bride.
Not only did Jacqueline Fernandez captivate with her choice of outfit, but she also showcased a stunning new look that was both captivating and alluring.
Image source: instagram
Image source: Instagram
Image source: Instagram
Image source: Instagram
Image source: Instagram