The season finale of Love is Blind Season 6, which aired on March 6, 2024, featured intense drama as Chelsea and Jimmy ended their relationship before reaching the altar, and Clay rejected AD during the ceremony. The only couple that tied the knot was Amy and Johnny, saying 'I Do' amid the chaos.
Scheduled to air on March 13, 2024, the reunion special promises a detailed look into the aftermath of the latest season. Cast members, including Amy, Johnny, Chelsea, and Jimmy, will sit down with hosts Nick and Vanessa Lachey to discuss their lives post-show and the current status of their relationships.
The official Instagram handle of Love is Blind shared exciting details about the reunion, showcasing what the cast will wear. Amy will don a maroon shimmery gown, Johnny in a tuxedo, Jess in a red dress, AD in a "body-hugging rhinestone-encrusted" gown, Chelsea in a gold and black gown, and Brittany in a black gown. The reunion will include appearances from other male cast members as well.
The latest season introduced multiple love triangles, with Jimmy torn between Chelsea and Jess. Laura and Jeramey's engagement ended due to a meeting with Jeramey's ex. AD and Clay faced challenges, leading Clay to reject AD after she said 'I Do.' The reunion promises to answer lingering questions about these complex relationships formed within the show's pods.
Girls are girling for the #LoveIsBlind6 reunion! Pics released by e!
— zacharyreality (@zacharyreality) March 7, 2024
Laura, who broke off her engagement with Jeramey, will join the reunion virtually from Spain. Her decision was prompted by discovering Jeramey's meeting with an ex from the pods, leading to the cancellation of their wedding.
Read more: Love is Blind Season Finale Drama