Global star Priyanka Chopra has made her mark from Bollywood to Hollywood. The actress wins everyone's hearts with her strong acting. Apart from this, Priyanka always remains in the limelight for her fashion and dressing sense. Recently, the actress has once again flaunted her charming style.
Actually, Priyanka Chopra has recently done a bold photoshoot for a magazine. PC has posted these photos on his Instagram. In the caption of which he wrote- "You look at the beautiful Santa Monica hills of Topanga. It's a very warm day and everything around you is in full bloom. (Thanks to the wonderful rains in SoCal this year) Here's the story behind the photos we shot for The Zoe Report."
Priyanka is looking very hot and sizzling in this look. They have clicked photos in different outfits and Priyanka is looking amazing in all these outfits. Talking about the outfit on the front page, she is wearing a white, green blue, and cream-colored net dress. She is seen posing differently in every photo. Seeing his charming style in these photos, the fans are also going crazy about him and praising him fiercely.
Image credit: Instagram/priyankachopra
Image credit: Instagram/priyankachopra
Image credit: Instagram/priyankachopra
Image credit: Instagram/priyankachopra
Image credit: Instagram/priyankachopra