Luxury mall Jio World Plaza launched in Mumbai. In this launch event, the entire Ambani family along with the entire Bollywood world and many cricketers also participated, one of whom was Shubman Gill. Now a video is going viral on social media in which Shubman is seen with his rumored girlfriend Sara Tendulkar.
Sara and Shubman Gill: The luxury mall 'Jio World Plaza' was launched in Mumbai on Tuesday night. The entire Ambani family as well as the entire Bollywood world was seen in this launch event. Not only this, many famous cricketers also participated in this event, one of which was Shubman Gill. Now a video is going viral on social media in which Shubman is seen with his rumored girlfriend Sara Tendulkar.
In the video, Sara Tendulkar and Shubman Gill are seen coming out of the event at 'Jio World Plaza', but as soon as their eyes fall on the media standing outside, they stop there, due to which Both come out separately.