The upcoming reality television series The Golden Bachelorette is set to premiere on September 18, 2024, on ABC. This show is a spin-off of The Golden Bachelor and features Joan Vassos, a 61-year-old widow from Rockville, Maryland, as the first lead. Joan previously appeared on The Golden Bachelor but left early due to a family emergency.
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The Golden Bachelorette follows Joan's quest for love as she navigates a pool of eligible bachelors, all of whom are senior citizens.
Joan will be joined by 24 contestants, including a diverse group of men with varying backgrounds and experiences. Some notable contestants include:
1. Guy Gansert, an emergency room doctor, who is one of the final four men vying for Joan's affection.
2. Mark, a 57-year-old army veteran, who is looking for love after experiencing personal loss.
3. RJ, a 66-year-old financial adviser, who describes himself as a vibrant and happy individual ready to share his life with someone special.
The series was ordered by ABC following the success of The Golden Bachelor, and filming began in June 2024 in Los Angeles. Joan's journey is expected to resonate with audiences, showcasing the realities and hopes of dating later in life.
The show promises to bring a fresh perspective to the dating genre, focusing on the emotional depth and experiences of its older contestants while challenging stereotypes about aging and romance.