The popular TV show Anupamaa is once again in the spotlight for unexpected cast changes. After introducing a 15-year leap and new characters, another major actor, Alisha Parveen, has been replaced within two months, leaving fans surprised and disappointed.
Image source:insta/mealishaparveen
1. Alisha Parveen played the role of Anupamaa’s adopted daughter.
2. In an interview, Alisha expressed her shock, saying, “I don’t know why I was replaced. It was a fantastic opportunity, and the audience loved my chemistry with Shivam Khajuria.”
3. Alisha was informed about her replacement during a meeting and stated she had no prior warning about this decision. She plans to focus on future projects.
Image source:insta/mealishaparveen
1. Several prominent actors have previously exited the show, including Paras Kalnawat, Nidhi Shah, Sudhanshu Pandey, Gaurav Khanna, and Madalsa Sharma.
2. Reports suggest differences with lead actress Rupali Ganguly might be a recurring issue.
3. Paras Kalnawat revealed that many of his scenes were edited out, which led to frustration.
Once the top-rated show in TRP charts, Anupamaa seems to be struggling amid these frequent cast changes. Fans are questioning whether these controversies are affecting the show’s charm and longevity.