Bigg Boss 18 continues to deliver daily drama, with new twists and conflicts among housemates. Recently, a heated altercation between Rajat Dalal and Karanveer Mehra during the "Time God" task left everyone stunned. Even Chum Darang lost her temper amidst the chaos.
What Happened During the Time God Task?
The latest promo of Bigg Boss 18 showcased an intense painting task. The current Time God, Avinash Mishra, was given the power to decide which group’s painting he liked the most. Members of the winning group would become contenders for the next Time God.
Image source: jiocinema/colorsTv
During the task, housemates began throwing colors at each other in a playful yet competitive manner. However, things escalated when Rajat Dalal and Karanveer Mehra got into a heated argument. The situation took a dramatic turn as Rajat fell into the pool. Following this, Chum Darang yelled at Rajat, saying, “What the hell, Rajat!”
Image source: jiocinema/colorsTv
Eviction Danger Looms Over These Contestants
Recently, Bigg Boss bid farewell to Bagga Ji, leaving the housemates shaken. Following this, a nomination task was held, and several contestants are now at risk of eviction, including:
1. Rajat Dalal
2. Karanveer Mehra
Chum Darang
3. Chahat
4. Digvijay
5. Yamini
6. Shilpa
7. Shrutika
With eviction looming, all eyes are now on the Time God task, as contestants strive to strengthen their game at this crucial stage.
In Bigg Boss 18’s latest episode, the Time God task brought unexpected drama and intense conflicts. Rajat Dalal and Karanveer Mehra’s clash became the highlight, while Chum Darang’s reaction added more tension. Meanwhile, eight contestants face eviction, making the stakes higher than ever.