
Across the Spider-Verse there is an entry of some special Indian Spider-Man

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Across the Spider-Verse, there is an entry of some special Indian Spider-Man

There is great news for Marvel fans that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is coming to strengthen its web laid by Spider-Man with its animated movie Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. Fans were waiting for the trailer of its second part for a long time.


Know some special things related to the life of Spider-Man

Spider-Man, who is always seen saving people on screen, has not had an easy life at all. From fighting new enemies to protecting the multiverse, there are huge challenges in his life. In the trailer of the second part of Spider-Man, Miles Morales has once again set out on another big mission, its special thing is that for the first time, an Indian Spider-Man is going to be seen on the screen.

The movie Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is going to be released in India in 10 languages, including English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. This time in the movie, Pavitra Prabhakar will be seen in the role of Indian Spider-Man. This movie will be released on June 2, 2023.


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