Joey Graziadei, a contestant on The Bachelor, is gaining attention for his clueless comments and blunders on the show.
Image source: instagram- Lexi Young – lexicoletteyoung Malta trip Bachelor Moments
During a recent episode set in Malta, Joey's comment about the city having an "old-school vibe" due to its ancient history prompts fans to mock his obvious observation.
Fans playfully criticize Joey for fitting the "frat boy" stereotype and jokingly refer to him as "himbo coded," highlighting his attractive but not-so-bright persona. Some sympathize with his lack of knowledge about Malta.
Image source: instagram- Lexi Young – lexicoletteyoung Malta trip Bachelor Moments
Joey's previous ignorance about Gypsy Blanchard Rose, a pop culture sensation, shocks fans. Some question if he confused her with Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Image source: instagram- Lexi Young – lexicoletteyoung Malta trip Bachelor Moments
Despite the teasing, many find Joey's innocence endearing, and his blunders continue to entertain Bachelor viewers.