In the enchanting backdrop of Malta, Joey Graziadei and Lexi Young embarked on a captivating one-on-one date, exploring the cultural wonders of the Mediterranean island. The day was filled with adventure, creating the perfect setting for the sparks to fly between the Montgomery County-native tennis instructor and the Atlanta-based digital strategist.
Image source: Lexi Young Instagram Post(lexicoletteyoung)
Graziadei couldn't contain his excitement about the "honest chemistry and connection" he felt with Young. The couple delved into the essence of Malta, immersing themselves in its culinary delights, engaging games, awe-inspiring architecture, and mesmerizing views.
Image source: Lexi Young Instagram Post(lexicoletteyoung)
Inside the historic church, Graziadei and Young sought relationship advice from a local priest.
Despite the challenges Lexi faced with her reproductive health, Graziadei responded with empathy and reassurance. In a touching gesture, Graziadei offered Young a rose, symbolizing a deepening connection and potential for a lasting romance.
Image source: Lexi Young Instagram Post(lexicoletteyoung)