Today marks the grand release of 'Jawan,' starring none other than the iconic Shah Rukh Khan, in theaters across the nation. Joining him are the stellar ensemble cast including Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Sunil Grover, Sanjay Dutt, Lahar Khan, and Riddhi Dogra, with a special and unforgettable cameo appearance by Deepika Padukone. The buzz surrounding 'Jawan' was electrifying, and fans had been eagerly anticipating its arrival. Remarkably, the film lived up to the high expectations.
The Biggest Opening Day In The History of Hindi Cinema.#JawanBoxOffice - Day 1 -
— Team Shah Rukh Khan Fan Club (@teamsrkfc) September 8, 2023
129.6cr* Worldwide Gross#Jawan #ShahRukhKhan
Jawan Celebration in Pune✨????#JawanReview #SRK #Jawan
— Kabir (@Kabir175) September 8, 2023
#ShahRukhKhan???? #Nayanthara #Pathaan #VijaySethupathi #Atlee
#Anirudh #JawanBlockBuster#BoycottJawanMovie #Adipurush #जवान#BoycottBollywood #JawanBoxOffice