This week, Arun Mashetti, Samarth Jurel, Manara Chopra, Ayesha Khan, Vicky Jain, Abhishek Kumar and Munawar Faruqui are the nominated contestants. It is being claimed that this time the housemates will have the power to eliminate anyone. According to the information revealed, Samarth Jurel has been evicted from the show. There was a wave of happiness among the fans after hearing the news of his elimination.
BREAKING #SamarthJurel is evicted from the house
— The Khabri (@TheKhabriTweets) January 11, 2024
This Weekend Ka Vaar episode will be hosted by Karan Johar. He will be seen giving vigorous classes to Isha Malviya here. Its promo has been released. Karan advises Isha not to interfere in Munawwar and Ayesha's relationship and taunts her for their relationship. Along with this, he also reprimands Vicky for adopting a lax attitude towards Ankita. After this comes the time when the heartbeats of all the contestants become faster.