Nicki Minaj, after eight years since her Twitter feud with Taylor Swift, expressed her willingness to collaborate with the 12-time Grammy winner. Minaj, 41, recently praised Swift, 34, acknowledging her as Spotify’s top-streamed artist of 2023 with over 26 billion streams worldwide. In a recent post on X (formerly Twitter), Minaj lauded Swift as a Sagittarius queen, highlighting her ability to take breaks and return with exceptional music that retains a dedicated fanbase. When prompted by a fan about recording together, Minaj responded affirmatively, stating she would do so "in a heartbeat."
This is a CELEBRATION!!!!!
— Nicki Minaj (@NICKIMINAJ) December 20, 2023
I’m about to thank each & every artist on this album.
The point is that we have something to aspire to as we watch the SAG QUEEN Taylor & the swifties & Republic Records.
Any more questions on this?
Who’d like to get cussed TF out?