
Do this preparation before fasting for Navratri you will not feel weak

9 days on Navratras

Some people fast for 9 days on Navratras. In such a situation, if some habits are adopted before fasting, then the body can be prepared. 

What health habits to adopt

·        If you want to stay healthy and fit for 9 days of Navratri, then consume tea and coffee in limited quantity. Also, avoid consuming excessive amounts of sweet things during Navratri. Otherwise it can affect the body.

·        If you add salty snacks to your diet for fasting for 9 days during Navratras, do not consume them in excess. Instead of this, you can add fruits to your diet.

·        During Navratras, people often skip their breakfast, but let us tell you that by waking up in the morning and having breakfast, you can remain active for the whole day. In such a situation, do not forget to have your breakfast.

·        At least 7 to 8 hours of sleep is very important during Navratri. If you change the sleep pattern, then due to this you may have to face many health related problems.


Eat Makhana Dry Fruit Namkeen during Navratri fast, learn the recipe

Chaitra Navratri festival

If you are going to fast on Chaitra Navratri festival, then you can add Makhana Dry Fruit Namkeen in your diet. Know about the recipe of Makhana Dry Fruit Namkeen...

Chaitra Navratri festival is starting from 26 September. If you are observing fast for Maa Durga, then Makhana dry fruit namkeen can be very useful for you. Apart from being healthy, this namkeen is also helpful in keeping the health good. In such a situation, it is important to know about the Makhana Dry Fruit Namkeen recipe. Today's article is on this topic. Today, through this article, we will tell you how you can prepare Makhana Dry Fruit Namkeen. Read further -

Required material

Roasted cumin – 1 tsp

Red chili - 1/2 tsp

Melon seeds - 1/2 cup

Raisins - 1 cup

Desi ghee - 3 tbsp

Makhana – 100 grams

Cashew - 1 cup

Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp

Almonds - 1 cup

Thinly sliced coconut - 1 cup

Curry leaves - 7-8

Peanuts - 1 cup

Black pepper - 1 tsp

rock salt as per taste

Green chili - 3


Makhana Dry Fruit Namkeen Recipe

·        First of all, put desi ghee in a pan and roast peanuts in it on a low flame.

·        When the peanuts are fried, take them out in a bowl. Now roast dry fruits like almonds, cashews, melon seeds etc. in the same pan and take them out in a bowl.

·        Now fry the raisins and coconut pieces for a while. Now take both of them out in a bowl. Now put ghee in that pan and fry green chillies, curry leaves and makhana for a few seconds, then add dry fruits to it.

·        Add red chili, rock salt, black pepper and roasted cumin on top and mix well and keep it closed in a box. Now consume it for 9 days.

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