
Make and eat cucumber raita in summer the body will get the coolness and the problem of constipation will go away

How to make Cucumber Raita

Consuming cucumber in the summer season is very beneficial for our body. Cucumber removes the lack of water in our body in sufficient quantity. There are many benefits of eating cucumber, its regular consumption does not cause problems like constipation. Cucumber is also very tasty to eat, we can make more delicious dishes like cucumber raita which is very tasty to eat.

Ingredients needed to make Cucumber Raita 

·       Cucumber 1 grated

·       1 cup curd

·       cumin powder 1/2

·       Green coriander 2 tbsp

·       Black Salt

·       green chili crushed


How to make Cucumber Raita

1.    To make Cucumber Raita, first wash a cucumber thoroughly.

2.    Then take out the peels of the cucumber and grate it.

3.    After this, take a bowl, take a cup of curd in it, and beat the curd well.

4.    Add grated cucumber to the beaten curd and mix both well.

5.    After this add black salt, cumin powder, coriander, and black pepper to it.

6.    Now our cucumber raita is ready, keep the prepared raita in the fridge to cool down.


Now serve chilled cucumber raita.

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